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Azure developer cli

DevOps Starter is a service that can help you get started with Azure very quickly: with just a few clicks you can select a programming language, and a comput...


Hacktoberfest is an annual worldwide event held during the month of October. The event encourages open source developers to contribute to repositories throug...

Identity summit

On September 22 I attended Cloud Identity Summit in Bonn, Germany. Stefan van der Wiele informed me of the event, where he was going to run a workshop on Azu...

Learn rebrand

Microsoft Learn is the new home for all technical content, learning tools and resources. Documentation is still there

GitHub learning paths

Recently I learned about three GitHub learning paths and certifications. Since one of them is on security, I decided to explore that one.

Identity videos

Check out these six videos by April Edwards and Christos Matskas on Getting started with Microsoft Identity.

Experimenting with content

I love to learn all the things in information technology. And I think sharing those learnings are a great way to learn them even better: To explain things, y...